Product Description
The AF509C for Marine Diesel Fuel Type F76 is a kit for Visual Colour Grading of Type F76 Marine Diesel Fuels according to ASTM Colour .
The Comparator 2000+ is an easy-to-use, entry level colour measurement system that compares the colour of the sample directly against the colour of glass in a disc. All you need to do is rotate the disc to get the closest result to the scale.
Quick, On-site Colour Measurement:
This special kit enables you to quickly measure the colour of type F76 marine diesel fuels according to a limited range of the ASTM Colour Scale. It is designed to ensure that the correct fuel is used in motor vessels running with type F76 diesel, thereby avoiding errors in fuel use that can result in expensive corrective maintenance. The test is based on a direct colour match between the sample and a test disc containing ASTM Color standards, enabling you to accept or reject the diesel fuel in a matter of minutes.
Easy Dertermination:
The Lovibond AF 509/C includes a test disc containing a limited range of ASTM Color standards (1 - 5 units as opposed to the full range of 0.5 - 8 units). This is sufficient for this purpose since type F76 fuel has a target colour of 3.5 ASTM Color and reduces the options for you to chose from.
Fast, Economical & Portable Visual Matching:
The Comparator 2000+ is a flexible, modular system for Visual Colour Grading. Using a suitable comparator instrument and glass disc, you can quickly visually match the sample directly against the calibrated, colour stable glass standards.
Two-Field Vision for Accurate Results:
Lovibond comparator instruments include an integrated prism which causes the sample and comparison fields to overlap, allowing enhanced colour discrimination and matching. The prism is ultrasonically sealed to prevent contamination of the optics. Each individually graded glass standard represents a discrete step on the measurement range (as opposed to a continuous graduation), aiding colour discrimination and allowing great accuracy of results.
Ability to Guarantee Constant Lighting Conditions:
An optional item for the Comparator 2000+ is the Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit. This is a standardised light source which guarantees you a constant lighting condition for accurate colour grading. This is particularly useful when the sample is very pale in colour. By using a Lovibond® lighting unit, you can confident of uniform lighting conditions for colour matching, 24 hours a day and irrespective of ambient lighting.
Extended Shelf Life:
The unique feature of Lovibond test discs is that they incorporate coloured glass standards that are colour stable and not affected by UV light or extreme environmental conditions.
***please contact your labequip sales rep to help select the model that best suits your requirements***
The following link provides additional information from the manufacturer's brochure. Click to open the PDF in a new window or right-click to download it:
Lovibond-Tintometer AF509 C Diesel Fuel Kit Color Comparator or copy the following into your browser address window:
This item ships from United States.
Comes complete with:
Sturdy Case Including:
~ 1 x Lovibond 2000+ Comparator
~ 1 x 4/81 ASTM Diesel Fuel Disc Precalibrated to 1, 2, 3, 4.5, 4, 4.5, 5
~ 2 x W680.OG.33mm Cell
~ 1 x Kit Instructions
- Disc 4/81A ASTM scale 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5
- Disc 4/82 ASTM scale 0.5 - 4.5 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5